The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Swedish to English Tourism & Travel Translation Glossary

Swedish term English translation
pärlorna i havsbandet pearls on the outskirts of the archipelago
pult counter
Purschjakt Pursch/driven hunt
rekvisita (in this context) historical baggage/background
residensstad county town (UK); state capital (USA); province capital (RSA)
Rumsfaktor Guests per occupied room/occupancy factor
seglatsen the voyage
Sittpromenadkäppar Shooting Sticks
Entered by: John Coakley
sjökort navigational chart, nautical chart
skulle hava översänts till Eder should have been sent to You
smak- och hälsohyllning a tasty tribute to healthy eating
Som längst har vi varit... the furthest (away) we have been...
Entered by: Tania McConaghy
stadsrum urban environment
stockrosor hollyhocks
stoltsera boast about, swagger about, take pride in
Entered by: Christine Andersen
Strandhugg landing places (in this context)
syd om 60 grader sydlig bredd och Antarktis south of Lat 60° South and the Antarctic
tagningsdel self-service area
tillfällighetspass provisional/temporary passport
Tjänstenäringen the service industry
upplevelseturism experiential tourism/experience-oriented tourism
utöver det vanliga something/a cut above the rest
VHF-vakt kanal VHF monitoring channel
vistelsevärde attraction value
yttre ramar first impression / at first glance / outer appearance
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