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German to English Botany Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Rebe vines/creepers
Reifefähigkeit ripening capability
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Robinie Yellow Locust, Robinia pseudoacacia
Entered by: Dr. Stephan Pietzko
Rosenkreuzung Rose hybrid
Rosensäule pillar rose
Rotton shade of red / red clay
Saatgut aus organisch biologischem Anbau seeds from an organic farm
samenfeste Sorten open-pollinated varieties
Samenstand seed head
Schachtelhalm horsetail
Schlotte scallions
Schlund fauces (or throat if aimed at the general public)
Schmutzwasserstress stress caused by water pollution
Schnitthecke topiary
Schnittware freshly cut leaves
sicher abfrieren will definitely be killed off over winter
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
Siebröhrenglied sieve tube element
Silberhirse proso millet
Entered by: Steffen Walter
spindelbrüchige Wildform der Gerste weak rachis
Spur (apple) spur
Stabbuche Moulded Beech
Stabwurzel / Eberraute southernwood (lat. Artemisia abrotanum)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
starkwüchsig vigorous
Stauchmittel (für Pflanzen) (plant) growth inhibitor
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Staudenrittersporn delphinium/larkspur (perennial)
steinmehl Rock powder
Stempelfäden stigmas
Entered by: Dr. Johanna Schmitt
Stocküberwallung ~ bulgy callus (tissue) overgrowing stumps (wound wood)
Streuobstwiesen open orchard meadows
Tellerkrone flat-topped tree
Tomatenfindling a stray tomato (plant)
Tomatenpaprika tomato pepper
Entered by: Thomas Pfann
Triebabschluss timely pruning of new shoots
Entered by: Tegan Raleigh
Trockenrasen dry grassland
Unterlagen-Muttergarten rootstock nursery
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
Unterlagenquartier stool bed
Verbreitung und Vorkommen distribution and occurrence
veredlungsfähige blinde Unterlagen graftable rootstock cuttings
verholzt lignified
Vermehrung durch Selbstaussaat propagation through self-seeding
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