The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Botany Translation Glossary

German term English translation
4 x verpflanzt replanted 4 times
Algenkalk Calcitic lime
Alpen-Knorpellattich Chondrilla chondrilloides
am Boden rankend gezogen grown trailing along the ground
Entered by: Gordon Matthews
Anlage plantation
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
Anreicherungspflanzung enrichment plantation
Anzucht cultivation/propogation
Arten und Sorten species and varieties
Artengarnitur species assemblage
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Assofilien assofilias
Entered by: Karin T
Atlasblume Farewell to Spring (Godetia Grandiflora)
Entered by: Edith Kelly
aufstrebender Busch upright-growing bush
aus extra weitem Stand with an extra-wide spread
aus Wildsammlung wild-collected / wild-crafted
Entered by: Steffen Walter
ausbringen *Pflanzenschutz* to strew on the soil (context-specific); to spread/to apply
Entered by: Steffen Walter
ausgesprochen blühwillig free flowering
Aussaat zur Pflanzung starter seeds
aussamen shed its/their seeds
Balkonkasten balcony box
Bau Material biomass
Baumbestand existing tree stock / tree stock
Bärlappkrauttee Club moss tea
Bärlauch wild garlic
Beetgestaltung bed design
belegungsfähig pollinatable
Entered by: Mary Burdman
biologisch wirksam biologically active
Blattreich leafy realm
Entered by: Susan Madden
blühendes Kraut flowering herb
Blüten einfach oder gefüllt single, hose-in-hose, double or double hose-in-hose
Blütenachse floral tube
Blütenboden base of the flower
Blütenverrieselung blossom shower
Blumenkisterl Blühend flowering planter
Blumenkisterl Grün planter with evergreen plants or foliage plants
Blumenpresse flower press
Blumenschalen (saisonabhängig) flower bowl (seasonal)
Entered by: Edith Kelly
blumig flowery
Entered by: Klaus Urban
Bluteiche Quercus robur atropurpurea / red oak / purple English oak
Bluthirse finger millet
Entered by: Steffen Walter
bodenfestigend soil-holding/soil-stabilising
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