The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Military / Defense Translation Glossary

English term English translation
4-off 4 items
area array configuration the configuration of an ordered arrangement of elements over a specific area
barrier and denial plans plans to create obstacles and deny access
BASC (abbreviation) "British" Army Service Corps
BRN Bahraini Royal Navy
BT /ASSA boarding team / at sea space accountability
carrier forces Armed units based on an aircraft carrier
chalk plane-load/helicopter-load of troops
Colonel of Pioneers Colonel in the Royal Pioneer Corps
demanufacturing taking apart and discarding appropriately (recycling, destroying etc.)
disabling fire firing to disable an enemy ship, tank, etc.
Disposition what to do with something (or somebody)
doodlebug V-1 flying bomb
Entered by: Cristian Brinza
drive campaign
dual-axis attack with roll angled dive with roll turn and/or roll-out after weapon delivery
elevation height adjustment
Exdigitate (Mil. slang) Pull your finger out
Entered by: Mårten Engelberg
first round response see explanation
framestrap Misspelling: FRONT STRAP
freak raid outside of the usual parameters of raids at that time
Entered by: Mark Nathan
full unit designation FUD
Gr. Grenade
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
Graduating Student. Discharging Soldier? Graduating Student. Soon-to-be-Discharged Soldier?
H.O. Authority FRM Home Office Authority Form
Installation plans regulations/plans effective on that (military)base/installation
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
kittyhawk Curtiss P-40D aircraft
lancelet lancet
land-heavy operations operations that are mostly land-based
Leading Rating/Leading Hand Leading Seaman / Leading Writer / Leading Airman etc.
Lean forward (in this context) push the envelope
March Battalion a provisional unit made up of companies from various battalions
marry-up bring units and equipment together
Entered by: Monika Coulson
NFI No Further Information
non-transfer and use certificate a license required for export
obscuration obscuration affects visibility in some way (hide/mask from detection etc. See below for examples)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
on the edge of manufacturing tolerance close to or exceeding the tolerance expected.
Real Escuela Militar (Reino Unido) Royal Military College (pre-1947) / Royal Military Academy (since 1947)
recruit - enlist Commandeer
Rice Bowl Operation Rice Bowl
ROA (acronym used by the USCG) reconnaissance, observation and appraisal/assessment
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