Freelance translators » English to Portuguese » Tech/Engineering » Telecom(munications) » Page 2

Below is a list of English to Portuguese freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: Telecom(munications) field. थप खोज फाँटहरूको लागि, दायाँको लिङ्कमा क्लिक गरेर उन्नत खोजको लागि प्रयास गर्नुहोस्।

417 नतिजा ( सदस्यहरूलाई भुक्तान गर्दै)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Sofia Kawall Leal
Sofia Kawall Leal
Native in Portuguese (Variants: Brazilian, European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
Portuguese, English, Mandarin, general translation, game localization, marketing, media
Marcos Pinto
Marcos Pinto
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Web developing, graphic, programming, database, Flash, Action Script, multimedia, localization, localizing, interpreting, ...
Ronie Santos
Ronie Santos
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
portuguese, art, music, computer, electronics
Lidia Carney
Lidia Carney
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
English, Portuguese, translation, interpreting, technical, law, legal, commercial, marketing, immigration, ...
Lorena H Borges
Lorena H Borges
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
portuguese, english, portugues, ingles, sao paulo, marketing, website, translation, brazil, brasil, ...
Madalena Ribeiro
Madalena Ribeiro
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
ArrayLaw: Contract(s), International Org/Dev/Coop, Law (general)
Adam Homsi
Adam Homsi
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Czech Native in Czech
[email protected], Translation, Arabic, Czech, Slovak, Dutch, computer, IT, software, localization, ...
Roy Kamp
Roy Kamp
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese, German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
MemoQ, Trados, FrameMaker, Illustrator, across, transit, SDLX, wordfast, technische Dokumentation, Betriebsanleitungen, ...
Joseph Nunes
Joseph Nunes
Native in Portuguese (Variants: European/Portugal, Mozambican, Angolan) Native in Portuguese
technical, business, engineering, industry, oil, medicaldevices, biotech, telecom, pc, computers, ...
Vasco Batalha
Vasco Batalha
Native in Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
Portuguese, português, espanhol, español, spanish, inglês, english, anglais, tradutor, translator, ...
Edson Oliveira
Edson Oliveira
Native in Portuguese (Variants: Brazilian, Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
Translator, translation, proofreader, proofreading, editor, editing, revision, English, Portuguese, literature, ...
Rosa Rodrigues
Rosa Rodrigues
Native in Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
mechanical engineering, legal, Internet, IT, website, software, e-commerce, digital marketing, printing machines, onlineshops, ...
Maria Fernando Lisboa
Maria Fernando Lisboa
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
translator, tradutor, implantology, implantologia, dental implant, implante dentário, dentistry, dentisteria, english, native portuguese, ...
Michael Lourenço Leite
Michael Lourenço Leite
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
portuguese, german, deutsch, law, contract, technology, technical, literature, romance, short story, ...
Isabella Becker
Isabella Becker
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
ArrayLaw (general)
Goran Dimitriev
Goran Dimitriev
Native in Macedonian , English Native in English
translation, editing, proofreading, macedonian, english, spanish, serbian, croatian, serbo-croat, bulgarian, ...
Rui Domingues
Rui Domingues
Native in Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
EU Institutions, economics, finance, translation, portuguese, french, english, spanish, Portugal, EU Affairs, ...
Carlos Labazuy
Carlos Labazuy
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese
ArrayLaw: Taxation & Customs, Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Law: Contract(s), Law (general), ...
Ana Sofia Saldanha
Ana Sofia Saldanha
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
portuguese, technical translation, tourism, aviation, airline companies, construction, oil and gas, electricity, electronics, engineering, ...
Ana Bandeira
Ana Bandeira
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
portuguese, english, law, legal, contract, copyright, patents, economy, accounting, financial, ...

अनुवाद वा दोभाषे काम पोस्ट गर्नुहोस्

  • विश्वभरिका व्यवसायिक अनुवादकहरूबाट उद्धरणहरू प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्
  • 100% नि:शुल्क
  • अनुवादक तथा दोभाषेहरूको विश्वको सबैभन्दा ठूलो समुदाय

दोभाषेहरू जस्तै, अनुवादकहरूले एउटा भाषा देखि अर्को भाषामा अनुवाद गरेर सबै संकृतिहरूमा सञ्चारलाई सक्षम गराउछन्। अनुवादकहरू बोलिएको शब्दहरूमा नभएर लिखित बिषयवस्तुमा काम गर्छन्।

अनुवादनले एक देखि अर्को भाषामा सामान्य शब्दको लागि शब्द रुपान्तरभन्दा थप कुराहरू सामिल गर्छ। अनुवादहरूलाई तिनीहरूले अनुवाद गर्ने कुनैपनि पाठको विषयवस्तुको साथ-साथै स्रोत र लक्ष्य भाषासँग सम्बन्धित संस्कृतिहरूको बारेमा पूर्ण रुपमा बुझ्नु आवश्यक हुन्छ।

300,000 भन्दा धेरै दर्ता भएका अनुवादक तथा दोभाषेहरूको साथमा, विश्वमा भाषा व्यवसायको सबैभन्दा ठूलो अनलाइन डेटाबेस हो। अनुवादक फेला पार्नको लागि कृपया भाषा जोडी रोज्नुहोस् वा 1,539,400उन्नत अनुवादक तथा दोभाषे खोज लाई प्रयास गर्नुहोस्। तपाईं अनुवादन कामको पोस्टिङ द्वारा विशेष अनुवादन परियोजनाको लागि उद्धरणहरू अनुरोध पनि गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।