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Search results: (292 matches)
Business issues Pseudonyms....Good, Bad or Ugly? The Web being what it is... [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: I've always been a bit
ambivalent toward pseudonyms personally, they
don't offend me, but I'd probably come down on the
side of using real names.[/quote] So wo
Germaine May 24, 2012
Literature / Poetry Copy of "J-J Rousseau: Transparency & Obstruction" by J. Starobinski? Possibilities... [quote]egunn wrote: I have a few days left to
deliver the translation: not long enough to obtain
a copy myself unfortunately... [/quote] Did you
try a public library? a University libr
Germaine May 23, 2012
French Google Traduction : Y'a d'la joie :-( Les maths... [quote]Laurent KRAULAND wrote: 4 errors in a
sentence composed of 8 target words = 50.0% fail
for GT. Very nice for starters... not for pro
(CProN?) translators.

[Edited at 2012-
Germaine May 23, 2012 suggestions What would your dream translators' website provide? About a little decorum... [quote]writeaway wrote: * Kudoz used to be a
great learning experience for all. But with the
general level of questions today, the only thing
once learns is how to open dictionaries at
Germaine May 21, 2012
KudoZ What is the highest number of KudoZ questions asked by a single individual? bilingualism and verbiage [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: I think the
reference to a "bilingual person" confuses matters
in defining a non-Pro/Easy question. Many
translators (even good ones) cannot legitimately
Germaine May 21, 2012 suggestions What would your dream translators' website provide? Kneeling... [quote]Nicole Schnell wrote: And at night it
will whisper into any CEO's ears: "She's the one.
She's the one. The chosen one." My dream website
will also emit pheromones, the kind that
Germaine May 19, 2012 suggestions What would your dream translators' website provide? flashing ads and things [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: ...I'm a sucker for
visuals, so my dream translator's website would
provide a visual feast - graphics, flashing
things, animations - but I realise these aren't
Germaine May 18, 2012
KudoZ What is the highest number of KudoZ questions asked by a single individual? Let me be naïve I confess that I don’t care about the number of
questions one may ask. “Help” is not
mandatory. As everyone else, I give it whenever I
feel like it, and I would say that I often lear
Germaine May 18, 2012
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) Another source... [quote]apk12 wrote: Btw I have to admit I will
obviously have to change my former opinion about
MT. If handled correctly, they seem to be wiser
than even quite some groups and bunches o
Germaine May 17, 2012
Money matters Have you seen a downwards trend in pricing of translation? Plus ça change, plus c'est pareil! [quote]Viena Wroblewska wrote: If you are a
freelance translator, have you had to lower your
pricing over the years? And if you are a buyer of
translation, do you find that rates have
Germaine May 16, 2012
French traduction d'une astuce mnémotechnique Quand même... [quote]ANSO wrote: C'est juste que j'aurais aimé
trouvé moi-même une idée lumineuse
... Anne-Sophie [/quote] Pour ma part, je
trouve votre adaptation très correcte. J'en ai vu
Germaine May 6, 2012
French Trouvez l'erreur @Bruno Je ne voulais pas vendre la mèche... mais je
crois aussi que 2nd devrait se lire 2e...
Germaine May 5, 2012
French Trouvez l'erreur Je crois qu'elle est... (oups!...) En tout cas, c'est ce que je
corrigerais... for sure!

[Edited at
2012-05-05 21:11 GMT]
Germaine May 5, 2012
Subtitling Nice one! [Amusing rates for subtitling ;)] Hmmm.... [quote] Genesis wrote: [quote]Jeff Whittaker
wrote: [quote] Genesis wrote: Ø Translation:
USD $1.00 per minute runtime [/quote] Forgive me
if I am mistaken, but does that mean that
Germaine May 3, 2012
Marketing for language professionals Why are translation business/domain names so boring? My 2 cents... 30 years later, I still remember the name of the
company a young PR agent just opened: Ça parle au
diable! In his flyer, he was playing with the
expression in different (litteral and figu
Germaine May 2, 2012
French Smartphone et pratiques des clients Désespérant... Mes clients - et de parfaits inconnus qui trouvent
mon numéro dans les Pages jaunes -continuent de
m'appeler à des heures matutinales ou tardives et
je continue à répondre quand ça me
Germaine Apr 28, 2012
Fun with language Your biggest language blunder in everyday life Those little letters... During a lecture on wastewater treatment
processes, the speaker, a brilliant engineer,
declared that the results of a particular
technology were leaving her septical. Coming back
to th
Germaine Apr 23, 2012
Business issues Would you work for an agency that does not have your work proofread? Sigh... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Philippe
Etienne wrote: ...and agencies know that they
can't expect translators to do their own
third-party editing![/quote] I get the
Germaine Apr 7, 2012
Translator resources Establishing a Translation Team Still hoping... [quote]Texte Style wrote: As for being in touch
with the proofreader, well the proofreader would
have to be willing to justify the changes they
made and exercise tact to explain why the
Germaine Apr 1, 2012
Translation Theory and Practice scheduling issues Fully agree [quote]Mark Cole wrote: For jobs like that
which are a bit up in the air, I usually say I can
complete in xxx working days from when the
go-ahead is given, leaving myself enough capacit
Germaine Mar 31, 2012
Money matters Different rate for typing screen texts? Another option [quote]Sandra de la Vega wrote: A client has sent
me some screens with text. He asked me to
translate them in a Word document with two
columns, on the left side I should type the
Germaine Mar 31, 2012
Money matters New low for end-client rates An alternative... [quote]Jacqueline Sieben wrote: I had already
given them my quote of € 0.12 (minimum), upon
which they sent me the translation test, so I
thought they had accepted it - my bad. I won't<
Germaine Mar 17, 2012
French Etablir un devis à un particulier Vérifier si un chèque est provisionné [quote]Marie-Céline GEORG wrote: Je n'y ai
jamais eu recours, mais est-ce qu'il y a moyen de
demander à sa banque de vérifier rapidement si
un chèque est provisionné, sans que ça co
Germaine Feb 18, 2012
French Français, votre langue fout le camp.... Pas optimiste non plus! [quote]Bruno Magne wrote: mais entre la
« résistance » des québecois et la
« lâcheté et/ou bêtise » de nos
compatriotes, je ne ne suis pas du tout
optmiste.... Cordialem
Germaine Feb 13, 2012
Scams A list of false "pro looking" email addresses used by scammers Add one to the list Reading your post, I now remember that I received
an email, at the beginning of the week, allegedly
from INTUIT, the name of a popular income tax
software. The problem was that the subject
Germaine Feb 10, 2012
Off topic Broke my wrist! Another option... You can also record your translation and give it
to a typist. At least, you wouldn't have to turn
down a nice project.
Germaine Feb 8, 2012
Translation in Canada Service en français, mais quel français !!! Pour répondre à votre question... OUI. Servir un consommateur "en français", c'est
le faire de façon qu'il comprenne ce qu'on lui
dit. Je doute qu'un baragouinage approximatif ou
inintelligible fasse partie de la catégo
Germaine Feb 5, 2012
Translation in Canada Tarifs, TPS et TVQ Précisions [quote]NancyLynn wrote: Les tarifs affichés sont
exempts de toutes taxes. On n'ajoute que la TPS
aux donneurs d'ordres à l'extérieur du
Québec... Pourquoi pas obtenir le numéro de<
Germaine Feb 5, 2012
Business issues Offer of the week Two sides of the medal [quote]Siegfried Armbruster wrote: Reading
through years of ProZ forums, I nearly assumed
that nobody could ever get more than USD 0.03/per
word. [/quote] Actually, USD 0.03 was the<
Germaine Feb 4, 2012
Fun with language When people speak, we enter another world :-D and sometimes, the other world... Just read this one: Un exercice sur les
slogans et les accroches en publicité confronte
les jeunes publicitaires aux différences
stylistiques et culturelles du message
Germaine Jan 30, 2012
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Change of scope from edit to unethical About principles I think that you should discuss the ethics issue
with the Agency Manager, would it be only to check
if this is common policy or the fact of a stressed
out P.M. Is the Agency a member of
Germaine Jan 28, 2012
Fun with language Translating for pleasure only I'm curious... [quote]Tom in London wrote: For some reason I
keep trying to translate an old Lavazza coffee
slogan for the benefit of my non-Italian-speaking
friends. Dating from the 1980s, it feature
Germaine Jan 23, 2012
General technical issues Loss of Internet connectivity --- HELP! Probably silly, but... Did you try a reset of the router? I lost my
connexion this morning too, for no apparent
reason, and after trying all the usual, the
problem solved itself after I decided to turn off
Germaine Jan 22, 2012
Money matters Another perspective Take, after a test I would ask for a test and such test being
conclusive, I would accept the offer. Then, taking
into account my time for proofreading,
administration fees and, if possible, a reasonable
Germaine Jan 19, 2012
Off topic Customer is SO being taken for a ride! Sometimes, you pay to learn [quote]Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak)
wrote: [quote]maria pelufo wrote: and if she
does not pay all in one payment (no installments)
she will go to jail Maria [/quote] I wonder
Germaine Jan 17, 2012
Off topic Customer is SO being taken for a ride! Is everything a scam? There are so many scams running around our planet
that anything merely suspect seems to raise a red
flag. You are talking about a relationship
going on between two consenting adults. O
Germaine Jan 17, 2012
Money matters Is this a recession? The problem of the beauty... [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: The beauty of a global
marketplace that the problems of one country
(Portugal or Greece or....) are negligible, there
are plenty of other countries out th
Germaine Jan 15, 2012
French Compatiblité Translator's Worbench 8.0 freelance + Windows 7 (64 bits) + Word 2002 (SP3) Il est temps! Je ne suis vraiment pas fan des mises à niveau
annuelles, mais il faut quand même un peu suivre
la clientèle... Il me semble qu'il est plus que
temps pour vous de passer au moins à Wor
Germaine Jan 10, 2012
Money matters Rates for post editing machine translation texts Let's take a look at it... [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: ...occasionally you
see a sentence (even two) that is amazingly good.
However, most will need some work and some will be
completely unintelligible. But I've
Germaine Jan 5, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management Statistics Clause in a contract I wonder... [quote]gytrans wrote: Perfect matches 0% of the
full price Repetitions, 100% 10% of the full
price Thanks! [/quote] What would be the
difference between a "perfect match" and
Germaine Jan 5, 2012
Translation in Canada Fin ou non de la taxe sur la TPS? Quand je disais que ça ne changerait pas grand chose... [quote]Christiane Lalonde wrote: La page que tu
cites dit que la TVQ s'applique au montant plus la
TPS... comme avant donc.
[/quote] Effectivement. Mais ce que je voulais
dire, c
Germaine Jan 5, 2012
Translation in Canada Fin ou non de la taxe sur la TPS? Tout ce que j'ai vu... ...c'est qu'on paie plus de TVQ sur la TPS, comme
prévu. La page de Revenu Québec est d'ailleurs
à jour: elle affiche le nouveau taux de
Germaine Jan 3, 2012
Lighter side of trans/interp Are you tired of translation? Not yet tired, but... I've been a freelancer for more than 21 years now
and yes, at some point, I also got tired of being
available and responsible anytime for everything
and everyone, to plan my vacations with
Germaine Dec 28, 2011
French Comment se faire rembourser d'une agence qui paye moins que le prix convenu ? Pour le principe... Personnellement, j'enverrai au moins un état de
compte. Et en y ajoutant des frais
d'administration. Et des intérêts tant qu'à
faire. Quelqu'un, quelque part, devrait réagir.
Germaine Dec 23, 2011
Translation in Canada Voilà que le gouvernement s'y met lui aussi Décidément... [quote]Christiane Lalonde wrote: Jusqu'où
va-t-on se moquer des traducteurs? [/quote] Je
suppose que ça ira jusque là où on laissera
aller... :-| Je n'aime vraiment pas me fai
Germaine Dec 13, 2011 profile help Do you think the color coded availability calendar is needed? To trust or not to trust... [quote]jyuan_us wrote: If I'm looking for a
translator, I might still contact those who have
indicated they are not available, simply because I
don't trust the accuracy of what the transl
Germaine Dec 10, 2011
Scams Traveler's Check Scam; job posting text to recognize for other translators Wiser scammers... [quote]Ronald Bias wrote: ...Please let it be
clear that it is a beginning of a good business
relationship so consider that about the
price... Can you state out your date of delivery
Germaine Dec 10, 2011
Scams scam warning (what is home schooling) Got the "project book" email... ...about a month ago, asking for a translation
into French. The document I received was so poor,
I couldn't believe it was of any use. As I had
something more urgent to deal with at the ti
Germaine Dec 3, 2011
Money matters reviewing : lower rate for matches /repetitions? !!! [quote]ElectraV wrote: When
proofreading/reviewing in Tag Editor, do lower
rates usually apply for matches and repetitions??
It sounds a bit... over the top.. or not?
[/quote] An
Germaine Dec 3, 2011
French Retards Paiements Vraiment... [quote]JMARTIN9 wrote: Pour tout paiement de
moins de $100 : paiement vers le milieu du mois
suivant la facture (donc à 15/20 jrs) Pour tout
paiement supérieur à $100 : paiement d'un<
Germaine Dec 2, 2011



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