Translation Glossaries from the Web

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English-Spanish glossary of art terms.


PDF file composed by Bruce A. Brunger with various terms of Karate, with focus on the Goju-Ryu style and pronunciations of Japanese (in this case, Romanji) terms.

English (Monolingual)

lexique en français avec descriptions des noms des types de vêtements + photos

French (Monolingual)

Diese Seite richtet sich an alle Cracks, Geeks, Homies und Ikonen der verschiedenen Lifestyle-Szenen, indem sie sprachliche Trends sammelt und Normalbürgern zugänglich macht. Was nicht im Duden steht soll zukünftig hier gefunden werden. Welche Wörter sind also angesagt und machen in der Szene die Runde?

German (Monolingual)

este o colectie de glosare in diverse domenii: Arts & Culture Dance, Music, Theatre, ... Business Communications, Management, Manufacturing, ... Careers & Employment Computers & Internet Internet, Networks, Smileys, ... Economy & Finance Insurance, Investment, Stock Market, ... Education Family & Relationships Adoption, Children, Gen... View more

English (Monolingual)

Gli Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) sono dei termini di consegna della merce che permettono di individuare e stabilire chi sopporta i costi di trasporto, di assicurazione merce, di sdoganamento (in caso di paesi extra UE) e quando avviene il passaggio dei rischi e delle responsabilità dal venditore al compratore.


find all kinds of terms from cuts, styles to fabrics

German (Monolingual)

An extensive list of antique words and their updated meanings and usages. Antique words, or words of changed usage Consult the right hand for words to watch out for: words that are too modern, slang, or out of place in any attempt to render an old style. or antique flavor in dialogue or text Sometimes the meanings are vastly changed; Consult ... View more

English (Monolingual)

Deutsche Terminologie/Glossar zum Surfen Fachbegriffe - Erklärungen (meist aus dem Englischen)
Hier findet ihr eine Erklärung der wichtigsten Wellenreit-Fachbegriffe. Da das Thema Wellenreiten weiter gefasst werden muss, als manch einer annimmt, finden sich hier einige Begriffe, die auf den ersten Blick nicht im direkten Zusammenhang mit dem We... View more

German (Monolingual)

Glossary in English with description of folk musical instruments from around the world, some entries contain detailed information and pictures.

English (Monolingual)

This dictionary is intended for use primarily by speakers of English who need to understand Russian mathematical writing and/or to translate such writing. As far as possible, the "definitions" are translations rather than explanations, and reflect current usage in mathematical writing. The vocabulary has been extensively enlarged and brought up to ... View more


The language used in law is changing. Many lawyers are now adopting a plain English style. But there are still legal phrases that baffle non-lawyers. This guide is intended to help in two ways: it should help non-lawyers understand legal phrases; and it should give lawyers ideas for explaining the legal phrases that they use. The explanati... View more

English (Monolingual)

La Théorie du Renversement propose une analyse de l'expérience de la vie quotidienne, montrant qu'une personne normale présente des personnalités différentes à différents moments, ce qui signifie que cette personne verra le monde et s'y comportera de différentes façons, selon ces différents moments. Ces divers types de personnalité (les « styles mo... View more

French (Monolingual)

Dizionario Sport Invernali. Contiene: Lessico sportivo generale Discipline Biathlon Bob Curling Hockey su ghiaccio Slittino Pattinaggio di figura Pattinaggio individuale Pattinaggio a coppie Danza su ghiaccio Pattinaggio di velocità Short Track Skeleton Sci nordico Sci di fondo Salto con gli sc... View more


Questa piccola guida tascabile non ha la pretesa di essere esaustiva o di coprire ogni possibile situazione, piu' che altro serve a chi si avvicina per la prima volta al mondo del freeestyle per non sentirsi fuori luogo quando si parla lo snowboardese stretto (come il dialetto barese ma meno accentato) e magari per dare un nome ai propri sogni.

Italian (Monolingual)

Highly interesting numismatic resource that touches other concepts of Classical civilization and lifestyle.

English (Monolingual)

A source from 'Das Fachportal für Wirtschaft und Technik' (Specialised Portal for Business and Technology). Comprehensive German>English collection of technology/engineering terms. Alphabetical glossary style, searchable by letters and keywords.


Well illustrated site of architectural and building terms used in Ontario, Canada. Multiple photographs illustrate each term and style.

English (Monolingual)

Concise definitions enriched with illustrations and internal links

English (Monolingual)

Interesting monolingual (EN) glossary about fashion terms.

English (Monolingual)

Very useful glossary, with exhaustive descriptions both on carpet production and styles

English (Monolingual)

It a style guide for writing in Catalan when trasnlating from English. It is very useful, because there are some tips on English structures and its translation into Catalan (mainly grammar rules on writing). It specially useful for those who translate computing texts into Catalan as there page is mainly focused in these texts.


I do not know if all of you are aware of its existence, so I decided to post it here just in case. To quote the editor: This online edition of The Times Style and Usage Guide (published January 2003) aims to provide a quick reference for readers to the everyday pitfalls of English grammar, spelling and names of people and organisations. It wa... View more

English (Monolingual)

A glossary on Antiques with definitions boths in english and french (styles, woods employed in furniture woodworks (furniture), crafts, embroidery, etc.).


Languages: castellano, dansk, ellinika, english, french, italian, nederlands, portug�s, suomi, svenska) Publication procedures, Conventions common to all languages (typographic instructions, ...), etc.

Many languages

A quite good and useful Portuguese style guide. Clear grammar, style and spelling rules.

Portuguese (Monolingual)

Absolutely outstanding, astonishing! Definitions of over 23800 terms, often with relevant hyperlinks or cross-references, nearly 700 alphabetic-only entries, three-letter acronyms. I haven't had the time to glance at more than two pages, but it seems mostly scientific. Added bonus: the style, sense of humor. Just one example: Between *LUMO* ... View more

English (Monolingual)

Useful site featuring the most common errors in English, an essay by the renowned William Safire, Micahel Quinion's language pages, a Technical Writing Guide, Dr. NAD's Prig Page etc.

English (Monolingual)

Nice and short introduction into hydrology, in dictionary-style, (almost) everything from simple rain to "potamology"

German (Monolingual)
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