The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Science (general) Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
力指向アルゴリズム Force-directed algorithm
*中部支部 学術研究発表会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference (or Meeting) of the Chubu Branch of (NAME OF ORGANIZATION)
おおまかな数学の歴史の流れのお話にしましょう Let's talk about the brief history of mathematics
ほうけい酸ガラス borosilicate Glass
外国書輪講 Foreign books study course (by multiple lecturers rotating)
学術文献 literature, the literature
乳脂計のけい(頚)部 the neck of the butyrometer
モル比放射能 specific radioactivity per unit mole
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
分岐生成物 branched product
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
スーパーナイン super 9/super nine
回転力 Rotational Force / Turning Force / Turning Effort
紀元0年 Year zero
眠らせる (in this context) put ... into a sleeping state
特別チェック貨物 Special Cargo
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
脱ケルセチン degraded quercetin
Entered by: David Patrick
鋭い切り口で分析 incisive, skillful, astute analysis
L-リジン塩酸塩を含む発酵ブロスに混合して mixed with a fermentation broth containing L-lysine hydrochloride
yasa yasa-sheet (yasashii sheet - pun, game with the words)
Entered by: Isodynamia
液シン廃液 liquid scintillator waste
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
測定可否情報 measurability information
演題(数) (number of) papers presented
Entered by: Shannon Morales
有効グラフ Directed graph
有効グラフ ・ 無向グラフ Directed graph / undirected graph
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