The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Mechanics / Mech Engineering Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
$B%U%#%K%,!<%I(B Finigard
Entered by: Michael Fletcher
$BJdMQIJ(B spare part(s)
1 トランススペース transverse frame space
(電流の)オシロ分析 (current waveform) analysis by using oscilloscope
2度焼コンベア正転 2nd sintering
2値化の結果が1となった画素数がある大きさ以上の場合に If the number of pixels with binarized value of 1 should exceed a preset number,
3段ブームからの4~6段ブームの取り外し detach the 4th to 6th booms from the 3rd boom.
加工代、ざぐり代 processed part, a part to be cut for counter boring
加工面欠陥 Machined surface defects
加速側 somewhat faster than ...
基本終了 basic call end/basic end
Entered by: cinefil
型検対応 type approved
偏心用エキセン軸 Eccentric Shaft
偏芯ピン eccentric pin
つぶし率(O-ring) squeeze rate
Entered by: cinefil
とがり山 fundamental triangle
Entered by: cinefil
ながらスイッチ (On-site) Flexible Rod Switch
なじみ運転モード break-in mode
はぐみ mismatch/center shifting/gap/deviation
ばり burr
またぎ歯厚, またぎ歯数 base tangent length (or span), number of teeth in the span
こまわりファイバ flexible fiber
さぐり→ざぐり (座ぐり) spot face, spot facing (座ぐり加工), counterbore
かき上げ羽根 (upward) impeller/ agitator / stirrer
かませ物 spacer
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
十字形の形の単一線で表示される appears/displayed as a cross-shaped (single-) line
危険回転数の関係から最高速度が低下 the maximum speed decreases because of the critical speed of the ball screw
反射指向性 reflection directivity
Entered by: cinefil
反湯口部 Opposite of Pouring gate area
台形ネジナット trapezoidal thread nut
Entered by: cinefil
台車 undercarriage
台車干渉ニゲ指示 stipulated clearance between bogie(and plate)
Entered by: seika
取付け運転 mounting operation
吊り上げ代 hoisting clearance
同様なパネル形からその表面の形状が変わった with shape of its surface slightly different from that of a 6-panel Brazuca having similar panel
堰部 weir
場合における when
Entered by: David Patrick
塗装要 Coating Required
墨だし Marking
増し締め retighten / tighten / see増し締め.html?login=y&glo
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