The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Agriculture Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
無洗化処理 musenmai process / no wash rice process
に押し出される形で driven out by
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
一等米比率 percentage of top grade/premium grade rice
Entered by: casey
他出 move out to another place/relocate
保護苗代 protected rice-nursery
Entered by: casey
ハサかけ hanging the rice plants on shelf for drying
分施 divided doses
Entered by: cinefil
コブ Lump
灌漑稲作農業 irrigated rice-cultivation (agriculture)
Entered by: cinefil
糊粉層、種皮、果皮 aleurone layer, testa (seed coat), pericarp (seed case)
点滴灌水施肥 drip-watering fertilizer application
Entered by: Nobuo Kawamura
菌床用保水性改善材 fugal bed
複動2系統 Double-action dual system
越夏, 越夏している has survived the summer
農業 agriculture
耕作道 farm road
hantenrakuyoubyou Alternia Blotch (Alternaria mali)
katsuhanbyou Marssonina blotch (Diplocarpon mali)
Kokutenbyou (black spots disease) fruit spot (Mycosphaerella pomi)
kuroboshibyou (peach) scab
rinmonbyou black rot, canker
susutenbyou sooty blotch
洋芝 Cool season grasses
浅場 shallow bottom
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