The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Transport / Transportation / Shipping Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Ausweisung allocating
Rückbank rear bench seat
Sollstueckzahl target quantity
Verstärkungsfahrten putting on extra trains/buses
'frei Werk' bzw. 'ab Werk' DDP Delivered Duty Paid vs. FCA Free Carrier
(anrechenbares) Bremsgewicht (chargeable) braked weight
Entered by: monbuckland
(ein dokument) beenden submit or control (a document)
(Lager)Fach storage space/compartment
(Staats-)Preis ausschreiben entries are invited for the award of the state prize
(tatsächliche) Sachherrschaft (actual) physical control
... nehmen den Vertrieb vor / Vertrieb vornehmen are responsible for the distribution
1-fache Fracht / 3-fache Fracht one times the freight / three times the freight
4-fach-Traktion / Mehrfach-Traktion four / multiple unit working
Entered by: Steffen Walter
4LP nach Lehrmeinung a 4PL in the accepted doctrine
50%-Mann 50th percentile male dummy
A-Bock A-frame rack
A.GEN on standard ...
AB = Auftragsbestätigung/order confirmation? order confirmation
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
ab LKW-fahrbarer Straße road accessible by LGV
Abblendlichtgeometrie low-beam light distribution pattern
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Abdecksteine für Spurstangenisolierung covering stones for guard rail tie bar insulation
Abgabenberechnung calculation of duties
abgeben to hand over
abgegangene Ware sold goods
Abgleisen removal from the tracks
abknickende Vorfahrt curved priority road
Ablegekriterien criteria for discarding/discard criteria
Abluftkupplung air release coupling
Entered by: Samira Goth
Abruflager call-off warehousing
Abrufmengen release quantities
Absaugung (removal by) suction
Abscheren mit Hubwagen shearing off with a lift truck/forklift/pallet truck
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Abschleppplateau flatbed tow truck
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Abschlußdienst shutdown procedure
Abschreibung delisting; UK: 'de-docketing'
Absolutschutz (i.S.v. "zwingender Flankenschutz") trapping
abstürzende Massen loss of load
Abstellen Kühlfahrzeug parking bay for a refrigerated (catering) van
Abstellgenehmigung signature release authorization
Entered by: Silke Streit
Abstellvereinbarung temporary storage agreement
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