The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Sports / Fitness / Recreation Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Das Buchsenmaß bei allen Specialized MTBs ist M8. Width or inside diameter, resp. (for joint bearing bushing)
"Ene mene meck - der Speck ist weg" eeny meeny miny mo, look how fast the fat will go
"Wir sind dann mal oben" "We're in the big league now"/"We're playing in the big league now"
3 Gewindegänge im Insert three turns deep into the insert
abdrängend overhanging
abfußend leaving the ground/being picked up
Abhängen declivities
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
Ablöse transfer fee
Abrollen roll out
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Abschuss the kill
absetzen move/shift your weight
Absprunggelände landing zone
Abstellung call-up
Abstellungsentschädigung compensation fee...(for international duty)
Abstoßsäge toe pick
Abzugsseil rope
Achtelfinale round of sixteen
Aggressionsecke anger management room
Akja akja
Entered by: Paula Price
Aktiv-Parcour / Aktivparcours obstacle course
Allzeit gut Luft good diving
an die Basis gehen to get to the bottom (of something)
an Niveau gewinnen is becoming more competitive
Entered by: Yuu Andou
Angussystem gating / gating system
Anlegen des Klettergurtes im sicheren Stand Climbing harness secured safely
Anlieger Kurve banked curve/turn
Annäher label
Entered by: Susan Madden
Anschlagöse Belay device
Entered by: Carolyn Brice
Ansitz auf Sauen boar hunt from a stand or a ground-level blind
Anti-Doping-Schwerpunkt-Staatsanwaltschaften Public Prosecuting Agencies specialising in doping offences/investigations
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Antibeschlaglösung anti-fog solution
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Arbeitshalle warm-up arena/hall/area
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Armeinsatz use of arms
Arnikamilch lotion
Asphaltbahnschiessen asphalt curling
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
auf ein Potenzial verweisen its proven strength / capabilities / tremendous assets
aufgespannt stretched
aufhorchen lassen to draw attention
Entered by: Steffen Walter
aufkanten to edge
Aufschlag annehmen to receive a service
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