The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Translation Glossary

German term English translation
hilflos helpless, with a sense of impotence
Ableitung definition
Abteilungsleiter/-in(nen) both male and female departments managers
Abzug (here) copy, print
agogische Betreuerin Community services worker
Entered by: Peter Zauner
aktivierende Sozialforschung action research
Entered by: Sabine Akabayov, PhD
am Beispiel von using a study of reminiscences as an example
an inneren Stimmen leiden to be plagued by (nagging) voices from within
Anerkennungsjahr probationary year
Anforderungen an die Markenpolitik in sozialwirtschaftlichen Organisationen branding policy requirements
Ansatz mitleben to put an approach into practice
Ansässige residents/locals
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Armleuchter bonehead
Aufschlüsselung breaking down
aus der Rolle fallen to forget oneself/ to act out of character
aus einem neuen Bewusstsein spiritual economics/ecomonics and spiritual development
Auschreitungen disturbances
übervorteilt to be taken advantage of / to be expolited / to be cheated
bargen did afford (the opportunity)
barrierefrei accessible
Bürgerfamilie middle class family
bürgerliche Sattheit bourgeois complacency
Bedarfsermittlungsgespräch needs assessment conference/interview
Beratungsstelle für Erziehungs-, Familien- und Lebensfragen Counseling centre for individuals, couples, children and families
Berührungsangst/-ängste (hier) wariness, guardedness, reservations, apprehension
berufspolitisch vocational / occupational / professional
Betretungsverbot restraining order
Bevölkerungsschicht stratum / part of the population
Beziehungslosigkeit lack of true relationships
Bildungsaufsteiger those seeking advancement through training and qualifications
Binnendifferenzierung internal differentiation
bm:bwk Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
DAHW Gerrman Leprosy and TB Relief
Darstellungsleistung representational acts
Entered by: Helen Shiner
das aktive Stiftungsgeschäft (here) day-to-day business operations
das Eigene the Self
Entered by: Helen Shiner
das mich so hinkriegt that has such control over me
Daumenbotschaft Thumb messages/thumb written messages
dem Anspruch gerecht bleiben stay true to (this) principle
Entered by: Carolyn Brice
demographische Kippe demographic balance
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