The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Esoteric practices Translation Glossary

German term English translation
überpersönliche Liebe transpersonal love
Baustelle issue/personal issue/issue to work on/obstacle
den Geburtstag seiner Frau "herauslas" read his wife's birthday in his horoscope
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Der Klang öffnet die Stille! The sound is the path to inner peace
Fastenwandern hiking and fasting; fasting hikes; fasting hiking
göttliches Ordnungsgesetz divine order
Gesellschaftsclub social club
Hierarchiedenken hierarchical thinking
Entered by: Thayenga
in die Tiefen des Ich to the heartland/depths/profundity of one's being
Innerlich loslassen happiness means letting go (of your Self)/is simply being
körpereigene Schwingungsfrequenz the frequency at which [your] own body vibrates
Entered by: Thayenga
Kraftgegenstand power object
Kummertempel Temple of Solace
Entered by: Helen Shiner
lebendig living, alive, vital, vibrant
mentales Pendeln mental dowsing/divining
Mondknoten lunar nodes / moon('s) nodes
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Schwingung frequency, vibration
Sosein as you are / you-ness
Entered by: Thayenga
Urmutter Gaia / Mother Earth
von der Milchstrasse aus from a distant star
Wertigkeitsdenken thinking in terms of value judgements
Entered by: Thayenga
Zigarre mit wunderbarem Zug cigar with (an) excellent draw
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