The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Archaeology Translation Glossary

German term English translation
1. Planum 1st planum
abgeschwemmter Hangschutt colluvium
Abschnittswall cross-bank
Adelssitze aristocratic residences
Entered by: David Seycek
attische Keramik Attic ceramics
Bartbildung mushrooming, burr formation
Baumkelter beam press/lever and screw press
Bettblanken bed frame
Bildvorschläge picture proposals
Dünengürtel dune belt
erdblock soil blocks
Felidenkiefer feline jawbone
Feuchtbodensiedlung wetland/marshland settlement
Fund- und Befunderhaltung excellent discovery in terms of preservation and state of the bones
Fundstellenkatalog site/find-site catalogue
gesumpfter Kalk aged slake lime
Grabungshaus dig house
Grabungsschnitte hinlegen where to dig sectional trenches
Halbspanner half-measure farmer
Handhabe knob / handle
Handwerkszentrum craft center
Haushalts- und Waschzeug cleaning gear and toiletries
im Medium der Skulptur imitierte the sculptured/sculpted....
interkultureller antiker Raum ancient intercultural region
Kastellvicus fort-vicus
Lapidarium collection of stone monuments
Lesefunde stray finds
Lesesteine collected stones
Mauerzug wall
mit geknicktem Rücken with a (slight) backwards curve
mit Material verlagert moved in with the rubble of excavation
Nachweisschwerpunkt the bulk of the evidence
Neuansatz new approach
Prunkabschlag contorniate medallion
Rangtitel title of rank
Rillenbündel grooves, grip grooves
Sakrallandschaft concentration of religious architecture
Schaftlappen shaft hole lobes or lugs
stehen dabei ... zur Seite they used; were already in use
Stichel burin, graver
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