The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Transport / Transportation / Shipping Translation Glossary

French term English translation
éclisse d’assemblage assembly fishplate
Entered by: EirTranslations
coups de butoir buffer shocks
Eclairement de la zone d’intervention (ZEC et avion) Illumination/lighting of the working area (controlled zone and airplane)
en qualité de pilote as a coordinator
la flotte d’une BU The fleet of vehicles of a business unit
la vanne Valve
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
les lieux de transport, Transport hubs
navires à manutention rapide ships designed for rapid turnaround
raide à la toile stiff
tranches de livraison partial shipments
Entered by: Simon Cole
traverses creuses hollow sleepers
Entered by: Charlotte Farrell
"Par ces opérations, nous avons fait évoluer notre plate-forme de métiers" Our core business platform
"un mode matriciel" matrix structure
"un renforcement des moyens humains" expanding the workforce
(automoteur) en stationnement (MU) with the parking brake applied
(bagage accepté) sous réserve Limited Release
(fret) aérien camionné trucked air (freight)
(haute résistance au) cisaillement high shear resistance/strength
(jeu complet) ...moins deux (full set) ... less two
(lettre de crédit) \"payable à vue ouverte\" payable on demand
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
(sections) banalisées nondedicated, shared with other traffic
Entered by: Nick Lingris
... le PTAC remorque > poids à vide du véhicule tracteur see expl. dépassant pas les limites libres not exceeding the limit allowed
1M (première monte) OE (original equipment)
Entered by: Janet Ross Snyder
30 j FDM le 10 sans esc/règl 30 days end of month 10th following months without payment discount
Entered by: Neil Crockford
9 appareils de voie 9 switches and crossings
a titre absolu absolutely prohibited
A.R acknowledgement of receipt
abri-croisière passenger shelter (here)
accepté de manière significative most commonly accepted price
accompagnateur sur piste airport ground staff responsible for ushering passengers
accompagnement d’un train attendant on board
accords de partage du financement des politiques transport joint/shared transport policy funding agreements/co-funding agreements
achat départ EX WORKS
achats passage à quai cross-dock purchases
aconier stevedore
actions d’organisation à entreprendre pour réduire la part concernant le personnel organizational changes to reduce payroll expenses
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
administré person coming under the responsibility of that local authority
agent de desserte shunter
Entered by: Carolyn Brice
agent de formation (railways) train formation worker
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