The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English International Org/Dev/Coop Translation Glossary

French term English translation
interviews de sortie debriefing or follow up (interviews)
(organisme d\') envoi sending (organism)
**Organigramme juridique et montage** Legal organisation chart and arrangement
... adosser les flux de locations aux recettes induites... to offset/support the flow of leasing payments with revenue from
accueil citoyen civic support
Acteurs Players
acteurs sociaux stakeholders
Entered by: Martin Hoffman
Actions ponctuelles special initiatives
adhésion directe direct membership
agressions fascistes et rascistes fascist and racist attacks
Entered by: Gina W
aide communautaire à l’observance community-based monitoring assistance
antenne de documentation resource centre
approche « publics » targeted approach
approches de parade (elaboration of) counter measures
appui endorsement
assainissement autonome on-site sanitation
associations d’usagers users' associations
assujettisent le droit dans sa nature humanitaire. impede/hold sway over law in its humanitarian scope
atelier d'élaboration program/me development workshop
Entered by: Helen Shiner
atelier d'imprégnation awareness workshop
Atelier de capitalisation sur les semences capacity building workshop on seeds
atelier de resititution (Feedback) workshops
axe transversal overarching theme
état d'émargement documentary evidence of signature
être dans une logique de to be concerned with
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
besoins sociaux impérieux pressing social needs
bourgoutière bourgou pastures
brèves sociales company/corporate/internal/staff briefings/newsletters
Bureau des Services de renseignements généraux de l’Etat Intelligence services
capacité capacity
capitulation en rase campagne surrender in the middle of the battle
cascade roll-out
cases de santé health home/hut
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
centres de soin healthcare facilities
circonstance spécifique specific instance
civilisation hydraulique hydraulic civilisation
coût de la ressource cost of funding
collectif de soutien appeal, solidarity fund, call for support
commune et cercle Do not translate
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