The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Environment & Ecology Translation Glossary

French term English translation
amortissement annuel annual offset / balancing
L’affichage environnemental environmental labelling
valorisation (here) recovery
Entered by: Mark Nathan
version synthèse intégrée integrated summary version
A l’eau la Terre H2ellO earth
Entered by: msabeh
abaque de calcul nomogram/nomograph
abouti dans la douleur laboriously hammered out
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
accompagnement des parcours developing career paths
accompagnement sanitaire health and sanitation support / measures to improve health and hygiene
acteur relais ambassador/champion
adhésion rémunérée individuelle paid individual commitment
administrés the public
Agent General Official Agent
agent territorial "agent territorial" (local officer)
agglomération d\'assainissement agglomeration
agrainoir feeder (for all types of animals)
agriculture extensible extensive agriculture
agro-ressources agricultural resources
Air bâtiment et process Building and process air
aire de servitude utility area
aire d\'adhésion partnership zone
Entered by: Adam Warren
alerte montante bottom-up alert
allocation économique economic allocation [of environmental impacts to co-products]
allumeurs de réverbères lamplighters
aménagement d'aires de jeux development of recreational areas
aménagements tout corps d'états all trades work/fitting-out...
Entered by: Paula Price
amorce Primer
analochromie perfectly camouflaged
analyse environnementale de réalisation conducting an environmental analysis
Entered by: EirTranslations
analyseur en continu de L.I.E. continuous analyser for lower flammable limit
Entered by: EirTranslations
anhydride phosphorique phosphorus pentoxide/phosphoric anhydride
anthropisée transformed by human activity
anthropoconstruits anthropogenic
apports ponctuels if only isolated data is available (not ongoing)
Entered by: Rosalind Howarth
appropriation \"verte\" to be used for greenery
arbres de presse-étoupe packing gland shafts
arrêté préfectoral Prefectural Order
articles de position position papers
artificialisant artificailly regulating
Entered by: Mark Nathan
artificialisation other developments
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