The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Serbian Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Translation Glossary

English term Serbian translation
A burnt child dreads the fire. Ko se jednom opeče, taj vatri ne prilazi.
a desert of summer letnje mrtvilo
bittersweet gorko-slatko
get some smarts Postati mudriji
Ground zero nula/nulta tačka
He who pays the piper calls the tune Ko plaća muziku, njegova muzika
hold on to one\'s hat Pridrži se za stolicu! / Nemoj se iznenaditi / Pazi sad! / Pripremi se! / Drž\' se dobro
iron that sharpens iron gvožđe koje oštri gvožđe
less red tape and more red carpet manje birokratije, više časti
Man dies for wealth as birds do for food Čovek će rada poginuti za bogatstvo, baš kao ptice koje traže hranu.
mountain and valley folds planina - savij od sebe; dolina - savij ka sebi
play the keys izvođenje (inovativnih metoda) na svim instrumentima (poslovanja)
Rice eaters Пиринчари
right out of the gate од самог почетка
seeing little stars videti svetlace pred očima
Entered by: Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
Serve as a foil ((po)služiti kao kontrastni lik
to fuck the shit out of someone разјебати пичку некоме / поцепати некога
watchful eye budno oko
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
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