The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Real Estate Translation Glossary

English term English translation
"drive-by" valuations appraisals or valuations made by looking at the outside of the properties
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
180”+ bucks bucks (male deer) with antlers measuring 180 inches or more
Acquired: 3Q02 Bought: 3rd quarter 2002
agency leasing agency-mediated leasing
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
Applications are pending in Land Registry .... applications to the Land Registry is pending and not registered yet
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
Bd vs. Ba bedroom(s) and bathroom(s)
communicative street A location which is well-connected in terms of walking, road, and public transport
compromising affecting in a bad way (the main residence)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
declaration of condominium joint-ownership agreement/contract
double-height Twice height of windows in other storeys
entry-level housing housing suitable for people who have not previously had a home of their own
Federal & State tenants federal owners and state owners of tenements
formed established
high barriers to entry, and an arduous ‎zoning and approval process The land is very expensive to buy, and the zoning regulations make it difficult to build ...
hypothecate The bank retains legal ownership of the property until the debt is paid off BUT
in possession in possession of the premises
In-House Lender Affiliate An Associate
Landed property houses with gardens (lands)
leaving issue having descendants
Located off of Highway 441 located close to highway 441
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
medium surface medium-size surface
new construction apartment newly constructed apartment, newly built apartment
non-marketable not appealing or essential enough on the current market to attract buyers
Notice caveat
off fifteen (just) off the road numbered '15'
Entered by: Tony M
one-family home/two-family home single-dwelling/two-dwelling building
open-ended tenancy no fixed termination date for tenancy
Entered by: William [Bill] Gray
opportunities options
positive spread, (property yields vs. interest rates) the difference between the profit from property and other investments
rates property/real-estate taxes
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
real estate contracts property and construction contracts (UK, AUS & NZ)
Entered by: Matheus Chaud
right on/of land ownership land ownership rights
s/t rt servient tenement right
s/tease servient tenement easement
statement bulkheads (partitition) walls used as architectural statements or features to make them stand out
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
stay 30 days reserved and 60 days walk in per year Reserve your 30-day per year stay period in advance and have another 60 days here and there without reserving...
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
supported bed-sit bed-sit with support services
the unique acreage living country living (on acres of land)
to wind up estate to sell/to dispose
Entered by: Kathi Stock
usufruct a legal right
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