The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Names (personal, company) Translation Glossary

English term English translation
Mr. Vanderbilt William Henry Vanderbilt
(Olga) Arsamquk a(as in: man)r-sa(as in: man)m-koo(as in: too)k
A name taken by someone in his/her career professional name
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
Barranqueras Bah-ron-care-as
beggars vs almsmen beggars vs almsmen
bk B.K.
commission or committee committee
Curious George dishes Type of product (dishes) named after a famous children's book character
Gladys Hacksaw always hacking away gladly (at the public service)
Hull Depot The storage depot at the city of Hull, Northern England
Entered by: William [Bill] Gray
Jemia female (Australian) name
Oldfield The cricketer Bert Oldfield
Rema a given name
Soraya Mentoor // S u: r a: j a: // or // S ou r a: ja: //
Van Cleef’s, here I come Van Cleef and Arpels. Someone is in a position to spend a lot of money
Walker proper name
Entered by: Sergio Cortes
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