61 |
Korean, software, hardware, IT, patent, medical, automotive, marketing, video, science, ...
62 |
Sunny KimNative in Korean (Variant: South Korea)
Korean, Medical, Patents, Social Science, Marketing, Sustainability, Education, Business, Subtitling, MTPE, ...
63 |
ArrayAutomation & Robotics, Agriculture, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Automotive / Cars & Trucks, ...
64 |
65 |
English, Dutch, Flemish, Translator, Freelance, translation, editing, native
66 |
ArrayMedia / Multimedia
67 |
1. In-house translation & interpretation experiences in the construction compananies, supporting project meetings ; high understanding in the construction industry, particularly in the civil engineering
2. Passed AICPA exam; high understanding of accounting
68 |
English, Korean, Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Life Science, Localization, Websites
69 |
Patent, Specification, OA, Translation, Editing/proofreading, Chemistry, Machinery, Electronics, Japanese, English, ...
70 |
localization, localisation, korean, english, medical translation, technology, software, machinery, hydraulics, physics, ...
71 |
Jin RongdeNative in Chinese (Variant: Simplified) , Korean
Chinese, English, Korean, technology, medical, law, computer, localization
72 |
IT, pharmaceuticas, translator, localization specialist
73 |
Korean, translation, l10n, i18n, Korean to English, English to Korean, native English, proofreading, editing, formatting, ...
74 |
ArrayChemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Medical: Pharmaceuticals