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Search results: (254 matches)
Smart shoppers Searching new laptop with long lasting battery For the record This no longer matters here, since he's made his
choice, but for the record: the MacBook Air has an
enormous working life, something on the order of
12 hours. I think that's not just best-
Steven Sidore May 27, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever considered a career change after working as a freelancer for some time? Considered? Sure. But the bar is very, very high. Steven Sidore Aug 12, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Berlin - Germany Dicken Lob und besten Dank an Steffen, der wie immer eine tolle Veranstaltung
organisiert hatte. Danke auch an alle, die
Anwesend waren, für die netten Gespräche. Liebe
Grüße, Steven
Steven Sidore May 19, 2013
Off topic Going viral for all the wrong reasons (translation relevant) Hi all, My first off-topic post, I believe, and
it's a good one. Here's an app that went viral for
all the wrong reasons (yes, translation
Steven Sidore Mar 24, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Dusseldorf - Germany Mitfahrgelegenheit aus Berlin? fährt jemand mit dem Auto dahin? Steven Sidore Oct 24, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever offered your client a discount for fast payment? Sure, all the time Absolutely I give discounts to some customers for
significantly faster payments (let's say 7 days
instead of 30). Cash flow management is one of
the keys to hedging risk, so I view suc
Steven Sidore Sep 19, 2012
Money matters Best way to receive payment from US agency? Yes, actually [quote]Neil Coffey wrote: Are other countries
in Europe much worse than this? - would have
thought they'd be similar. [/quote] Yes,
they can be that slow. Perhaps two or three ye
Steven Sidore Aug 17, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: If a regular client does not contact you for some time, do you contact them? After a very extended period, yes In some cases good clients suddenly stop
delivering work. (Another good reason to broaden
your client base!) If this continues for an
extended period -- 4 months? 6 months? -- I'll
Steven Sidore Jul 10, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you comfortable with bidding on jobs that require three or more references? Faulty thinking [quote]Lisa Simpson, MCIL wrote: When you hire
a lawyer or accountant do you ask for a

[Edited at 2012-06-11 11:25 GMT]
[/quote] Yes, of course you do. You ask wher
Steven Sidore Jun 12, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you comfortable with bidding on jobs that require three or more references? Yes, absolutely, for the right job I recently bid on an open tender from a public
institution that required multiple references. Of
course I offered references. Would I do the
same for a random, unsolicited job proposal?
Steven Sidore Jun 12, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the largest number of words you have ever translated in one day? Between 7-8 k words On a general contracting bid for an urban
environment. Heavy duty rush job, and was paid
that way. Wasn't all that economical for me,
though... I was so fried after that day that I
Steven Sidore Apr 29, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Berlin - Germany Vorabend? Hallo alle, ist wie gehabt etwas für den
Vorabend geplant? LG Steven
Steven Sidore Apr 26, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Work-wise, are you as productive now as you were during the first 5 years of your career? Simon hit on the real key [quote]Simon Bruni wrote: ...a better idea of
what jobs to take on or refuse. [/quote] More
than anything else this is the heart of it...
while everyone knows to refuse jobs you're n
Steven Sidore Apr 12, 2012
Off topic A word for "bully" in your language (or a language you know) Bully in German "Der kleine Tyrann", literally 'the petty tyrant',
would be a schoolyard bully [quote]Melanie
Meyer wrote: the verb 'schikanieren' (to
bully/harass/mob) comes to my mind when I think
Steven Sidore Mar 28, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many assignments did you turn down last month? You're joking, right? I turn down work (actually offered assignments,
not just queries) pretty much every day. Many days
I turn down multiple assignments. What was the
original poster looking for? Three seem
Steven Sidore Mar 20, 2012
Money matters Half price for volume translation with no deadline??? Does it represent value for you? The question here is: does this type of project
represent value for you? If you have an unsteady
flow of work, a project like this -- pick it up
when things are quiet, put it down again fo
Steven Sidore Mar 7, 2012
Translator resources MacBook Pro versus MacBook Air laptops - feedback needed A tangential question For those of you running Parellels: have you tried
VirtualBox, from Sun? I've been using it to great
success on an older MacBook Pro (first generation
actually), I wonder if that would wor
Steven Sidore Jan 20, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a tablet PC? Two, as a matter of fact An iPad and one of those fire sale HP Touchpads.
I do sometimes use the iPad for translation,
together with a Bluetooth keyboard and Wordfast
Steven Sidore Dec 16, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What type of chair do you have at your workspace? I have a Swopper This bad boy here. Originally bought when
my wife was pregnant with twins because it brought
her relief, then moved on to me. The idea is that
the chair is no
Steven Sidore Dec 16, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Will machine translation ever replace human translators? Ever? Ever? Sure. Soon, before it's time for me to
retire? Not so much.
Steven Sidore Oct 11, 2011
Business issues Agencies not adhering to their own contracts? Follow your nose If it smells fishy to you, for whatever reason,
then it probably is. Let it be. Hope that
Steven Sidore Sep 22, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How many CAT tools do you have installed on your primary computer right now? Many Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, Trados 2007 +
2009, Transit, Passolo, OmegaT. I suppose by
default SDL is also on there, although I've never
used it. I have Across on the laptop as well, b
Steven Sidore Jul 31, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use freeware/open source CAT tools? Don't forget about wordfast anywhere Wordfast has a free version accessible through a
web browser ( is the link I think).
Importantly, it works well with an iPad, which is
why I use it on the go sometimes.
Steven Sidore Jun 10, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you observe your country's national holidays, even if they don't coincide with anyone else's? Once you've got school age children there's no getting around it any more. They're
home for German holidays, regardless of what my
clients in other countries are doing...
Steven Sidore May 30, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you kept all the files of your projects since you first started your translation career? Of course, that's part of archiving The older ones are compressed and encrypted,
though. For space and security reasons.
Steven Sidore May 2, 2011
Business issues NY Times article on collecting from slow payers Not "could", but must (!) [quote]Jenny Forbes wrote: For example, one
could say "I'll take this job ONLY if you pay me
within X days" and get the company's agreement IN
WRITING. [/quote] My word, what an
Steven Sidore Apr 8, 2011
Money matters Pros and cons of deposits? How to leverage that to your advantage [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: For B2B jobs, I don't
believe the idea of prepayment goes down well,
although you could always try it. Apart from doing
all the possible checks (ProZ BB, other
Steven Sidore Mar 22, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When was the last time you raised your rates? Rates rise for new customers I don't tend to raise rates for existing customers
as such; I ask new customers to beat the rates my
existing customers pay. I don't tell them that, I
simply quote them a price a bit highe
Steven Sidore Mar 1, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you noticed an increase in requests from clients for post-editing? Not from my customers My customer know better than to ask me about
that. I have noticed a rise from companies I've
never worked with before, largely from Asia and
the US, but that seems to come in waves. A f
Steven Sidore Feb 14, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: In retrospect, would you choose another career today if you could? Had another career, this one's better I had another career, as a book editor (and later
as a Ph.D. student). I love translating, and I
love working for myself even more.
Steven Sidore Feb 13, 2011
Off topic Are there any Android or iPhone apps specifically for translators? No decent ones yet Last I checked (a month or two ago), the answer
was no. Personally, I'm waiting a bit to see
the next round of smartphones before I jump in.
Not just Apple and the Android gang either-
Steven Sidore Jun 10, 2010
Business issues Company remains unmoved on need for professional translators Sourcing and scissors [quote]Williamson wrote: The native dogma: As
if only native speakers are able to translate into
English. Get real. The second language of most
Germans is English, isn't it? Given Ger
Steven Sidore Jun 9, 2010
Translation Theory and Practice Would you translate in a field you don't master if you had an expert proofreader? Yes For example: my wife is a sommeliere. She also
speaks German and English, but is not a
translator. I know a bit about wine, but not
enough to specialize. Would I team up with her to
Steven Sidore Mar 23, 2010 suggestions New feature suggested for ProZ job section Wasn't expecting that Good stuff. Thanks for bringing a smile to a
stressful day!
Steven Sidore Feb 15, 2010
Lighter side of trans/interp Dog commands German commands [quote]British Diana wrote: Gillian, why don't
you post on the German forum as well and start
collecting. I can think of Sitz, Platz P.S. I
think there is a command "heel", isn't there
Steven Sidore Jan 14, 2010
General technical issues How can I change key on keyboard to type another letter Plenty of free software out there The process is called keyboard mapping. Google it
and you'll find plenty of free options. But
really, have you looked at the prices for
keyboards at your electronics shop lately? I
Steven Sidore Nov 24, 2009
Business issues Client thinks I worked too fast - What would you do? Have you been training black ops? [quote]Johanna Timm, PhD wrote: ... You:
“Thanks, I remember there were some instances
when we were not in agreement about the term
chosen by me. Let me explain how this type of
Steven Sidore Jun 20, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever requested up-front fees from a new client? Did so today, as a matter of fact Walk-up clients get asked for money up front,
sure. But that's typically for consumer-type
things--translations of diplomas, driver's
licenses and the like.
Steven Sidore May 8, 2009
Software applications Time-tracking software - looking for a small, free time-tracking program to use when proofreadin Slimtimer Try Easy, fast, free. Steven Sidore Apr 27, 2009 suggestions Question regarding TGB I was notified I was on that same list and was sent an email by informing me of the new TGB. Couldn't
tell you why you didn't get it, though--maybe
you're set not to receive notifications of suc
Steven Sidore Feb 21, 2009 technical support Is there an inexpensive way of adding a digital signature to a document? a quick fix and a longer one Moin moin Astrid, The quick fix is to send a
paper version of the invoice. If you only get this
request once in a blue moon then why bother going
the electronic method? The 'proper'
Steven Sidore Oct 13, 2008
Trados support Trados on an Intel Mac? Yes, I use it all the time TagEditor too. I run it using Parallels. The only
issue is that the keyboard doesn't correspond
perfectly with a PC keyboard, so you'll need to
tinker around a bit until you get used to it
Steven Sidore Oct 6, 2008
Office applications A really useful tip: how to toggle between CAPS, no caps and Initial Caps The entire list I've known about this list for a while now but
never thought to share it with the crowds. The
official list of MS Word shortcuts: Some you
Steven Sidore Jun 14, 2008
Translator resources How good is Wordfast's VLTM for context searches? You get what you pay for I had it installed for a while. I ended up using
it the same way I use Leo (a big Ger>Eng online
dictionary)--good for getting the synapses going
if you can't think of a word, but not to b
Steven Sidore May 31, 2008
Business issues When the PO does not reflect/account for the hours spent This is something that needs to be agreed upon first Do you see the documents first or not? Proper
estimation is your responsibility as a freelancer.
If you had an opportunity to see the document--and
you should ALWAYS ask to see the docu
Steven Sidore May 24, 2008
Business issues What to judge job quoters on Glass houses... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: You should tell me
if you think it is unreasonable of me to expect
people writing in their "from"-languages to write
English e-mails as good as I
Steven Sidore May 4, 2008
Off topic Somebody better tell Eliza about it I was just thinking about good old Eliza the other day too This cartoon was in Dilbert the other day and
plays directly on the Eliza
Steven Sidore Apr 4, 2008
Wordfast support WF for linux ? That would be outstanding news [quote]Rafa Lombardino wrote: I actually talked
to the creator of WF at a conference in Portugal
and he said that there is a version in the works
that will work directly with Open Offic
Steven Sidore Feb 7, 2008
German Probeübersetzungen: wie viele Wörter? meine Erfahrungen sind anders Na ja, ich bekomme schon öfters Anfragen nach
(unbezahlten) Probeübersetzungen. Manchmal gehe
ich das Risiko ein--daraus habe ich einige (sehr
gute) Kunden bekommen. Manchmal ging ich vo
Steven Sidore Jan 25, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Are the “Favorites” of your Internet browser well organized? Foxmarks for those of you with multiple machines I work between a desktop PC and a laptop, and I
kind of gave up on the whole organization process
since it was too much of a hassle to keep the
bookmarks synced on both machines. Then some
Steven Sidore Jan 14, 2008

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