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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?

Muhammad Habib, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a research report on Sexual exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Violence, English to Urdu, 10k words, for an international NGO. Time for tea!


1 user

I Do That

1 user

Muhammad Habib, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a research report on Perceptions of Electoral Integrity for the 2024 General Elections of Pakistan, English to Urdu, 3138 words, for a research think-tank. Time for coffee!


I Do That

Muhammad Habib, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a monthly update on the performance of democratic institutions in Pakistan, English to Urdu, 4274 words, for a research think-tank.


I Do That

Muhammad Habib, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a briefing paper on young voters, English to Urdu, 5807 words, for an NGO.


I Do That

Muhammad Habib, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a research report on youth electoral participation in Pakistan and a monthly update on democratic institutions, English to Urdu, 20,000 words, for a research organisation.


I Do That

Muhammad Habib, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

Just finished a research report on youth electoral participation in Pakistan and a monthly update on democratic institutions, English to Urdu, 20,000 words, for a research organisation.


I Do That